Golden Baton ($10,000 plus)

The Ohio Arts Council

Silver Baton ($4,000-$9999)

Anonymous Donation
M G Oneil Foundation
The Vana Family Foundation^

Conductor’s Podium ($1,000-$3,999)

American New Media Educational Foundation (In Honor of Bill Beuther)
Mary and Gary Baker
Jackie and Bruce Davey Family Foundation

Chris and Patti DellaCorte+
Christopher Hofer%
Rick and Tammy Kirby#
Richard Koletsky and Susan Braham
Verna Vander Kooi

Janice L. Leatherman+
Kathy Moses Salem Philanthropic Fund
Becky and Frank Shotwell Fund+
Willard Stephenson Foundation

Maestro Level ($250-$999)

William and Doylene Beuther
Denise Brown
Frank and Spring Festi
Miles Free and Beth Updike^
James Gerspacher

Tony and Sally Giovinazzo
Allan and Betty Havel
Roger and Sarah J Ingraham
Will and Kathy Koran
Stephen and Susan Lipscey

Barbara Mulcahy
Dave and Joyce Rynearson
Mike Shreffler
T Sigel Consulting/Sigel Press
David and Susan Ungham%

Encore Level ($101-$249)

Kathy Bailey
Peter and Sydney Benson
Mike and Sandy Bohurjak+
Ann Cole and Bob Smith
Edmonds Sorgen, LLC+

John Day
Sue Gerson and Martin Block
William Hill
Chris Keister
Tom and Jean Lee
Robert and Jenifer Lunney

Kit and Linda Lee Marty^
Barbara Mulcahy+
David and Joyce Rynearson
Dale and Jackie Smith
Craig Staufer

Bravo Level ($51-$100)

Prudence and Jim Aylesworth
Mary Bessick
Terry Boyarsky
Sandy Calvert^
Virgil and Karen Cotner
Pat Cox
Judy Delahoyde
Lou Deloss (In Honor of Jim and Carol Perrotto)
Lou and Kathy Deloss (In Memory of Larry Eckert))
Gerry and Bernice Goertzen
Allan and Betty Havel

Steve Hambley
Eric Hammer and Richard Skerl
Linda Hoffmann
Bill and Laura Hutson
Al and Darleen Jeffrey
Karen Malloy
Leslie Miller
Don and Jane Moos^
Joann Nice
Alison Oppenheim
Stan and Barbara Sever^
Karen Smith
Ken and Judy Smith

Linda Smrdel
Roger and Linda Smalley
Larry and Cynthia Snider
Dan and Lucy Sondles
Darwin Steel
Katherine Stugmyer
Aimee Thomas
Waite & Son Funeral Homes^
Jacquie Wallace
Barbara Wagner
Major and Peggy Weers
Donald Wehrs and Lorna Wood
Cheryl Westfall
Barbara Williams

Ovation Level ($26-$50)

Tony Allen and Reina Smith
Walt Barry and Theresa Laffey
Bud N Bloom Garden Club, Wadsworth
Dave and Marie Edmonds
David and Jennifer Fischer
Tammy Foore
Chris M. Galazka
Sharon Gardner
Jim and Betsy Gilder
Christine Gramm

Howard Hall
Judy Hamer
Kyle and Joyce Harrington
James and Kimberly Hartman
Lisa M Henrich
Ursula Keck
Arla Lesak
Judy Lucas
Susan McFee
Linda Myers

David and Janie Parish
Allayne Reese
Circles Salon, LLC, Medina
Amy Snell
Melanie Seaman
Stephen and Gail Smith
Chandler and Linda Stalvey
Debra Tefs
David Weisenberg
Harlan Wilson and Carol Hoffman

Friend Level ($1-$25)

Barbara Abeel
Tracy Bayer
Eleanor Blair
Mary Daus
Patricia Fernbaugh
Carole Kowell

Valerie Mattingley
William and Phyllis Neal
Lynda Nossaman
Timothy O’Hara
Martti and Sue Putkonen
Jay and Debbie Schmitt

Kathy O. Smith
Ron and Edith Stollar+
Daniel and Linda Sutliff
Dawn Vinek
Pat Walker

Donors Legend as of
January 20, 2025

^Jazz under the Stars patron
+World Tour of Music patron
#Jazz under the Stars and WTM patron
%Opera under the Stars patron

2024 Ticket Sponsors

Chill Artisan Ice Cream, Medina

2024 Donations to the ORMACO Endowment Fund

Your company or name could be listed here!

2024 In Kind Donations

Akron Civic Theater
Akron Symphony
Akron Zoo
Cindy Allman, Medina
Aladdin’s Eatery, Oberlin
Jane Berkner, Akron
Judy Bartok
Chill Artisan Ice Cream, Medina

Cleveland Guardians
Cleveland Jazz Orchestra

Jack-Pot Pottery, Millersburg, Ohio
Lou Deloss, Medina
Holden Forests & Gardens, Cleveland
Jessica McConville, Millersburg, Ohio
Linda Myers, Cinnamon Lake
Les Délices, Shaker Heights
Medina County District Library
Miller’s Creamery, Millersburg, Ohio
New Towne Gallery, Millersburg, Ohio
Oak Ridge Farms, Medina
Oberlin Community Music School

Ohio Contemporary Ballet, Shaker Heights
The Olive Tap, Medina
Cathy Parker, Bath Township
Kenneth and Deborah Purdy, Valley City
Ridge Rooms and Tom Doyle, Millersburg, Ohio
Root Candles, Medina
Slow Train Cafe, Oberlin
Stocker Arts Center, Elyria
Troyer’s Sweet Shoppe, Millersburg, Ohio
Tuesday Musical Association, Akron

World Tour of Music Program Advertisers 2023/2024

Aaron Harrison, Medina County Commissioner
Advanced Insurance Design
Edmonds Sorgen, Counselors at Law, Medina
Steve Hambley, Medina County Commissioner
Huntington Bank
William Hutson, Medina County Commissioner

Jonesy’s Classic Cleaners
Medina County District Library
Miss Molly’s Tea Room & Gift Shop
Molly’s Fashion Boutique, Medina
Northcoast ADR Services
Oak Ridge Farm
Pro Edge Realty/Thomas Sigel, Realtor

Project Learn of Medina County, Brunswick Medina, Wadsworth
David Sigel and Family
Colleen Swedyk, Medina County Commissioner
Thurber’s Jewelers, Wadsworth
Van’s Auto Service and Tire Pros
Wichert Insurance
Woodsy’s Music

Be an integral part of supporting the arts. Become a Friend of ORMACO, Inc. today. We offer several different levels at which you can show your personal or corporate support.